Upper Senegal & Niger

Upper Senegal & Niger

Upper Senegal & Niger





Quick reference

General issues: French colony 1906-1916

Country name on general issues: Ht -Sénégal-Niger, Haut-Sénégal-Niger

Currency: 1 Franc = 100 Centimes 1906-1916

Population: 7 476 000 in 1920

Political history Upper Senegal & Niger

Postal history Upper Senegal & Niger

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Upper Senegal & Niger is located in western Africa. Upper Senegal & Niger is formed, in 1904, from the existing territory of Senegambia & Niger – Senegambia & Niger was the successor of Upper Senegal & Middle Niger and, before that, French Sudan. Upper Senegal & Niger is part of French West Africa – the federation of French possessions in western Africa established in 1895. Compared to its predecessor, the territory of Upper Senegal & Niger has been adjusted:  the so called ‘pays de protectorat’ have been transferred to Senegal and Mauritania has become a separate territory within French West Africa. In 1904, Upper Senegal & Niger consists of a civil territory with civil administration and a military territory which, from 1904, is named the territory of Niger. The rest of Upper Senegal & Niger has been awarded to France, but has yet to be brought under effective French control.

In subsequent years, Upper Senegal & Niger will go through a number of changes. In 1907, Upper Dahomey – from 1899 part of the French colony of Dahomey – is attached to Upper Senegal & Niger. In 1911, French Niger is established as a separate – at first military and from 1920 civil – territory within French West Africa. In 1919, Upper Volta is formed as a separate colony.  Finally, in 1920 the remainder of Upper Senegal & Niger will become the reestablished colony of French Sudan.

For a full overview of the political twists and turns before and after the existence of Upper Senegal & Niger, please refer to the profile of French West Africa.

Postal history Upper Senegal & Niger

Postal history Upper Senegal & Niger

1914 – Tuareg camel rider

The first post offices in what is to become Upper Senegal & Niger are set up from Senegal in 1890. The first stamps used are the general issues for the French colonies and the stamps from Senegal. The Senegal post offices are transferred to French Sudan in 1892. The issues from French Sudan will be used until 1903, when they are superseded by the issues from Senegambia & Niger and, from 1906, by those of Upper Senegal & Niger. The issues of Upper Senegal & Niger are of a common design used for the French possessions that were part of French West Africa. Aside from being inscribed ‘Haut Senegal & Niger’ they are also inscribed ‘Afrique Occidentale Française'[1]‘French West Africa’. .

The stamps of Upper Senegal & Niger are used in French Niger until it has become a civil territory and has started to issue stamps of its own in 1921. In Upper Volta and French Sudan the issues from Upper Senegal & Niger are used until superseded by the issues of these two countries in 1920 and 1921 respectively.

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