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In the aftermath of WWI, Italy occupies a former Austrian region called Venezia Giulia. Venezia Giulia, in 1920, is awarded to Italy. After WWII, the region is disputed between Italy and Yugoslavia, hence it is given a special status. Part of the region is placed under international Allied administration as Zone A, part under Yugoslav administration as Zone B. In 1947 a large part of the region is awarded to Yugoslavia. Negotiations on the remaining part result, in 1954, in a division between Italy and Yugoslavia. In 1975 a smaller adjustment is made to the borders around the town of Gorizia. Stamps have been issued by the administration of both zones in the region.

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2 Responses to Trieste

  1. Slovenia issued in 2004 mini sheet with the map of this region.

    • Gerben


      Thanks for pointing this out. A very nice sheet indeed. Would make a nice illustration for the profile on Trieste. I’ll keep it in mind for that!

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