






Quick reference

General issues: Republic 1981-1994

Country name on general issues: Ciskei

Currency: 1 Rand = 100 Cent 1981-1994

Population: 635 000 in 1980

Political history Ciskei

Postal history Ciskei

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Ciskei is located in southern Africa. Ciskei is one of the ‘homelands’, or ‘Bantustans’, formed by the apartheid regime in South Africa in the second part of the 20th century. The concept of the homelands is a continuation of the ‘native reserves’ – territories designated for the indigenous peoples of South Africa formed from the 19th century on by the British and South African administrations. The concept of the homelands was that the black population of South Africa would move to and become citizen of the homelands, eventually with independence for the homelands. Thus, a complete social and political segregation between the black and white population groups in South Africa would be realized. A total of ten homelands were established, together taking 15% of South Africa for 80% of its population. All homelands gained a form of , four have become de jure independent. Independence of the homelands has not been recognized internationally. Eventually, 55% of the black population were relocated to the homelands. At the end of the apartheid regime in 1994 the homelands were dissolved.

Ciskei was the homeland for the Xhosa, one of the Bantu peoples in South Africa.  Ciskei was one of the two homelands for the Xhosa – Transkei being the other one. Ciskei has been established as a homeland in 1961, gained self government in 1972 and became independent in 1981 as a republic.

Postal history Ciskei

Postal history Ciskei

1981 – Coat of arms

Ciskei has issued stamps from 1981 until 1994. Before and after that, the stamps of South Africa were used.







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