






Quick reference

General issues: Independent within British Commonwealth 1964-1966, Republic 1966-Present

Country name on general issues: Malawi

Currency: 1 (Malawi) Pound = 20 Shilling, 1 Shilling = 12 Pence 1964-1971, 1 Kwacha = 100 Tambalas = 50 Pence 1971-Present

Population: 3 794 000 in 1964, 16 360 000 in 2013

Political history Malawi

Postal history Malawi

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Malawi is located in eastern Africa. In the 19th century the future Malawi is inhabited by several different population groups. Some of these groups stem from the kingdom of Maravi, that was at its height in the 17th century when it contained most of what will become Malawi. Some population groups are relatively new to the country, as they migrated into the country when the power of the Maravi kingdom was waning. A migration that would continue until the early 20th century.

The British establish, in the 1860’s and 1870’s, a limited presence in the country, specifically in the Shire Highlands. In 1889 the British form the Shire Highlands protectorate. In 1891, the Shire Highlands protectorate is extended to become the British Central Africa protectorate. In 1907, the name of the protectorate is changed to Nyasaland. Nyasaland, together with Northern and Southern Rhodesia – the current Zimbabwe and Zambia – from 1953 until 1963, forms the federation of Rhodesia & Nyasaland. Nyasaland gains independence within the British Commonwealth in 1964 as Malawi and becomes the republic of Malawi in 1966.

After independence, Malawi is governed through a one party political system. The first democratic multi party elections are held in 1993. The Malawi economy largely depends on agriculture.

Postal history Malawi

Postal history Malawi

1973 – 100th Anniversary of the death of the explorer David Livingstone

The first stamps used in Malawi are, from 1891, the issues of British Central Africa. Next, from 1907 until 1953 and again from 1963, the issues from Nyasaland are used. From 1953 until 1963, Malawi will use the stamps issued by the federation of Rhodesia & Nyasaland. Having gained independence within the British Commonwealth, Malawi will issue stamps from 1964.




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