







Quick reference

General issues: French mandated territory 1930-1936

Country name on general issues: Lattaquie

Currency: 1 Piaster = 100 Centimes 1930-1936

Population: 286 000 in 1935

Political history Latakia

Postal history Latakia

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Latakia was located in western Asia, the Middle East. At the start of the 20th century, Latakia was part of the Ottoman Empire, at that time the ruling power in the Middle East. During, and directly after WWI, British and French forces occupied large parts of the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East. Latakia is occupied by the French in 1918. Between 1918 and 1923, the French gradually gain control over the territories that are to become the French mandated territory of Syria and Greater Lebanon. A mandate that is formalized by the League of Nations in 1922. Starting in 1920, the French form a number of states and territories with a form of self government. This division is officially based on ethnic and religious grounds, although it is also suggested that the aim of the French was to prevent the establishment of a more powerful pan-Arab nation. The Alawite Territory is one of the entities formed at this time. The Alawites are a Shia group within Islam. In Syria the Alawite are a minority, albeit an influential minority: the current leader of Syria – Bashar al-Assad – is of Alawite origin. In 1922, the State of Aleppo, the State of Damascus and the Alawite Territory form the federation of Syria. When the federation of Syria, in 1924, is to be transformed into the state of Syria, the Alawite Territory separates from Syria to form the Alawite State, still under French supervision. The name of the Alawite State is changed to Latakia in 1930. In 1936 Latakia becomes part of the republic of Syria.

Postal history Latakia

Postal history Latakia

1931 – Latakia

While under Turkish rule, Turkish stamps were used in Latakia. Austria, Egypt, France and Russia had offices abroad in the city of Latakia where the issues for the Levant of these countries were used. Once Latakia is occupied by France, the Turkish stamps are superseded by the successive issues of the French for Syria & Greater Lebanon. After the formation of the Alawite State, stamps have been issued by the Alawite State from 1925. The issues of the Alawite State, in 1931, are superseded by the stamps of Latakia. The issues of Latakia are overprints on stamps of Syria reading ‘Lattaquie’ in Arabic and French. In 1936, the stamps of Latakia are superseded by those of Syria.


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