Cochin China
Quick reference
General issues: French colony 1886-1888
Country name on general issues: C. CH.
Currency: 1 Franc = 100 Centimes 1886-1888
Population: 2 968 000 in 1901
Political history Cochin China
Cochin China is the southern part of Vietnam located in southeastern Asia. The French occupy parts of Vietnam in 1859 and in 1862, the occupied territory is ceded by the emperor of Vietnam. In 1864, the French establish the colony of Cochin China, the territory being further enlarged between 1864 and 1867. The French in Cochin China establish direct colonial rule – other than in the other parts of Vietnam that later become French protectorates where the Vietnamese emperor is still, at least nominally, in power. Together with Annam and Tonkin and Cambodia – by then also a French protectorate – Cochin China becomes part of the colonial federation of French Indochina in 1887. When, after WWII, the constituent parts of the federation move along on the road to independence, Cochin China becomes part of the State of Vietnam and next the republic of Vietnam. Currently it is part of the socialist republic of Vietnam.
Postal history Cochin China
The first stamps used in Cochin China are the general issues for the French colonies as of 1863. Stamps are issued for Cochin China in 1886 and 1888. These being the general issues for the French colonies overprinted with C. CH. and a new face value in 1886 or just a new face value in 1888. A total number of 5 stamps are issued. The stamps of Cochin China are superseded in 1892 by those of French Indochina. These in turn are followed by the issues of the State of Vietnam in 1951 and, currently, those of the socialist republic of Vietnam.
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