
Quick reference
General issues: British protectorate 1964-1971, United Arab Emirates 1971-1972
Country name on general issues: Fujeira
Currency: 1 Rupee = 100 Naye Paise 1964-1966, 1 Riyal = 100 Dirham 1966-1972
Population: 10 000 in 1970
Political history Fujairah
Fujairah is an emirate on the Arabian Peninsula in western Asia that, in the mid 19th century, is part of Sharjah. The emir of Fujairah proclaims independence in 1902. A small territory, until today, is a condominium of Fujairah and Sharjah. The British, that have held an influential position among the emirates in the region, do not recognize Fujairah’s independence until 1952, when Fujairah is the last of the emirates to become a British protectorate. Emirates that together are known as the Trucial States. Fujairah, in 1971, is one of the emirates to form the United Arab Emirates of which it is still part today. Fujairah has no oil resources, its economy depends on agriculture and fishing.
Postal history Fujairah
The first post office in Fujairah is opened in 1963 and is, at the time, run by the British Postal Agencies in Eastern Arabia. The Agencies provide postal services for several countries in the region. The stamps used are the stamps issued by the Agencies for use in the Trucial States. Mail is initially processed through the post office of Dubai. Fujairah issues its first stamps in 1964. Having joined the United Arab Emirates, Fujairah continues to issue stamps until 1972, the stamps of Fujairah being superseded by those of the United Arab Emirates in 1973.[1]The stamps issued by Fujairah after 1965 are disputed. Scott does not list these issues, SG lists the issues from 1967 as Appendix issues.
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